It is recognised by Anna University || ISSN:2455-6033
Volume 25 Issue 2 2025
Development and Validation of a UV- Visible Spectrophotometric Method for Quantitative Analysis of Valsartan in Bulk and Tablet Dosage Forms Kunal Gaikwad, Dr.Varsha Tegeli, Irfan Dalwale, Soheb Tamboli, Mohammed Saud DOI10.14148.MRJ.2025.V25I2.1611
Development and Validation of a UV-Visible Spectrophotometric Technique for the Quantification of Quetiapine Fumarate in Bulk and Formulated Products. Mohammed Saud Shabdi, Krishnamurthy Kamalapurkar, Soheb Tamboli, Irfan Dalwale, Kunal Gaikwad DOI10.14148.MRJ.2025.V25I2.1612
Reinterpreting Surpanakha: A Subaltern Analysis of Kavita Kane’s Lanka’s Princess Jyotirmayee Mohanty, Madhusmita Pati DOI10.14148.MRJ.2025.V25I2.1613
Energy Consumption and Real Time Monitoring Using Energy Meter Mr. Kaustubh R. Sonar, Kartik Dhoke, Sahil Maskar, Abhishek Sonkusare, Anjali Bhandarkar DOI10.14148.MRJ.2025.V25I2.1616